Monday, March 29, 2010

He thought of US

As Easter comes closer this year, I would have to admit this is probably the first year I am really convicted by what Easter represences. I don't even know exactly how to put my words down on paper. How do I spell out how grateful I am for the sacrifice that Jesus made? How can any words describe the magnitude of that event?

Pastor Brad spoke this past Sunday about how Christ had each one of us on his mind in those last few days of his earthly life. After Jesus has predicted his own death and has begun to prepare for that... he was thinking of us. Matthew 20:29 tells of the two blind men who shouted out to Jesus asking for mercy as He and the disciples were leaving Jericho. Jesus, the man who knows that he is about to ridiculed, betrayed, mocked, denied and nailed to a cross for a very painful, public death... stops to ask these two outcasted blind men, "What do you want me to do for you?"  It says that "Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him." Jesus had performed many miracles by just speaking words or assigning tasks. But in these moments, when Jesus' heart is heavy with what He is being called to do... stops to physically lay his hands upon these men to heal their sight. He had God's people on his mind all the way to the cross.

He was thinking of me...



{:miss v:} said...

I've thought of this exact same thing before. Thousands of years before I even existed, He thought of me specifically.

THAT is awesome.

Thanks for sharing this today.

Jamie said...

Great post, April! It IS so amazing that He thought of us and He sacrificed his life FOR us. Its nice to get those reminders as we think our lives seem so overwhelming or in a bad spot.

Holly said...

I'm glad you posted this b/c I have not given much thought to Easter at all this year when I really should.

Veronica said...

What an amazing gift and sacrifice for sure! Reminds me of a song we used to sing where the words just touch me every time. It went something like...

laid behind the stone.
He lived to die,
rejected and alone,
and like a rose,
trampled on the ground,
He took the fall,
He thought of Me,
Above all.

Such powerful stuff when you think about it. Now THAT is love!

Caroline said...

What a great post and Thanx for sharing that. I'm so glad he thought of us.