Hello everyone from Lynnette's Blog...
1. Start with the obivous, that most of you know! I have been a wife for almost 2 years and we have an adorable 9 month old son that is the light of my life.
2. I am a hair stylist by trade, worked 5 years at a high end salon in Milwaukee before moving up north because of a job position for my husband. We then decided to start a family and I have the priviledge of staying at home to be with Jackson. I do plan to go back to work down the road.
3. I have been exploring a life long hobby of mine - photography. Since I have the perfect subject to be photographing :) I will attending a photography class at the local college in September!! I am a huge documenter! I document everything! I maintain my blog, a personal journal, a journal I am writing for my son about his early years, his baby book, a Bible journal for passages and sermon notes. In addition to take unlimited photos, I also video tape my son's every move.!
4. My son likes to tell stories through his photographs...
"WAIT! Don't take it yet! I'm not ready!"
"Ok - now I'm ready... This is my serious face!"
5. I have a pretty reserved personality. I try to be optomisitic for everyone, and yet seem to be more of a realist for myself. (Is that hypocritical?) - something I'm working on!
6. We are planning on having a small family, but I would absolutely adore having a baby girl. I really do hope God has it in his plans to give me daughter!
7. I have been spending a far amount of time on my "every now and then" hobby - crocheting children's hats and making jewelry. I made my wedding jewelry - which I would say is still my best creations. I am starting to do more Give Aways on my blog for items like these.

8. I LOVE summer! I can't get enough of the sun. The perfect day for me would be at a pool. I am not a huge saltwater person, although the waves are fun! Water and sunshine are the perfect combo!
9. I am currently implimenting Operation PUJ (pronouned "pudge") My son is in the 5% of weight class and the Ped advised me to try and get him to put on more weight. Which is difficult now that he crusing all over the house! Operation Pump Up Jax :)
10. I am currently planning/brain storming my son's upcoming first birthday! Oct, 22nd! AHH!! I am having a hard time coming up with more ideas for "A Very Hungry Caterpillar."
I am also trying to up come with a new name for my blog. "Keeping Up With Paul & April" doesn't really convey creatively what my blog is about. I write about motherhood, my walk with God and the day to day. Any thoughts??
It's great to get to know you, April! I love the hats you crochet! Are you planning to start selling them? We are expecting our first baby (a girl) in December and I'm hoping to get some hats like these for her. They are so much cuter than plain ones you can buy at the store!
Hope you have an awesome day! Btw, your little boy is adorable!
Too bad you don't still live in Milwaukee! What salon?? I love that you are super creative, and I can't wait to hear more about your photography class!
Hi April, Nice to meet you! Thanks for the comments. Your little one is an angel! Horray for cheap crafters!!!
Great post & I hope it's in God's Plan for you to have a baby girl. Thanx for all the nice comments.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I love your little hats!!! Do you sell them?? I teach kindergarten and do a huge unit of butterflies, so I have tons of ideas for the very hungry caterpillar! If you need some let me know. Sounds like TONS of fun!
You know, if we lived near each other I would so want you to do my hair. I bet you are fabulous at it! I love, love, love getting my hair done. It is soooooo relaxing for me. Seriously! I about fall alseep in the chair every time! Do a lot of people do that or is it just me?
I think you will be great at photography. I hope you have fun at your class! And I think it is just so cute how Jackson tells stories through pics. Makes me smile. :)
Your hats are so darn cute! I didn't know you could crochet!!! I tried my hand at it but never really picked it up. Anth's grandma tried to show me but she's lefthanded so it didn't work out to well. lol The earrings you made for your wedding are beautiful! You should have your own etsy shop or something.
I always like to rhyme things so I was just sitting here trying to come up with rhyming titles for you and here's what I got:
April and Paul through it all
April and Paul having a ball
Ok those aren't that great really. There's not a lot that rhymes with your name.
Here's some different ideas:
I was thinking of your own journey and then thought of the word sojourn, which means a temporary stay. That made me think of our temporary stay here on this earth. I don't know if you could go anywhere with that. Then came the word sojourner, which is a temporary resident. My uncle (and Kate's dad) used to be in a group together called Sojourner. I think it's such a strong word. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I hope you can come up with something! If you need another brain to help you can use mine.
April, I'm so glad to find you through Lynette. You are a beautiful family. That first picture and caption of your son is priceless.
You have a wonderful blog!
Hey April!
I just found your blog through my sister Kelly's blog.
I agree with her that you should start selling the crocheted hats! I love your wedding jewelry too!
It's nice to "meet" you.
yes, the joyful adorations kelly is my lil sis! :)
i have no idea when it comes to selling stuff on blogger or etsy! sorry! i have a friend who is paying a lady to build her etsy site.
have a great evening!
your hats are so adorable! I wish I was crafty like that. I had fun reading your post!
Hi April. I'm actually stopping by from Holly's blog. I also did the linky thing from Lynette's blog. It was a lot of fun.
I really like to crochet too and have my own little hat business. That is awesome that you're working on selling what you make! It's a great feeling to see that people like what you make!
I am definitely interested in your little hats! My email address is: kmoon584@gmail.com if you want to email me pricing and stuff.
Hope you have an awesome day!
Hi April! Skipping around from porch to porch...I'm going to be at it awhile, but I'm having FUN!
I enjoyed reading more about you. I think it's just wonderful that you get to stay home with Jackson. He is a cutie.
Too bad you don't live closer - I could use some hair cutting tips. I've been cutting my family's hair forever and have gotten better, but I still don't know enough to do much on my girlies hair.
You and your husband are really precious together.
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Hi there April...nice to see you on Lynnette's porch! I enjoyed your list. The hats were adorable and the photography class sounds like fun. Enjoy the first birthday party...such a fun time!!! I love The Very Hungry Caterpillar....good stuff! I enjoyed learning more about you...
Blessings to you...
Hi there, visiting from Lynette's Porch. The Very Hungry Caterpiller is a wonderful birthday theme. What kind of things do you have planned so far?
I am also an aspiring photographer, if you visit my blog you will see that I participate in I Heart Faces almost weekly. It's a great way to learn more about photography and meet new people. :o)
As for blog names what about "Considering it All joy" James 1:2
It was nice to meet you. I will be following, hope to get to know you even better.
I am stopping by from Lynnette's to say Hi. It has been a lot of fun meeting new friends!
You have a beautiful family and I love those hats. Too bad I don't have a little girl to wear them!
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