I can be indecisive when permanent matters are at stake. I could easily say "We have made our final decision on a little girl's name." today... but there would really be nothing holding me to it. I could still change it at any moment before that birth cert. is signed. If I chose a name today - I know I would be second guessing my decision all the way until the baby is born. At least with Jax, once we made the final decision - it was literally written in stone. Believe me, if drove my parents crazy that we hadn't chosen a name... they seriously thought we just didn't want to give it away. (Not true!)
I want to hear YOUR favorite baby girl names. Please, help me out. Searching through online baby name sites is so mind boggling when I don't know where to start. I will say one thing, though. I do like the letters, A and L in a name. I also think names that end with an A are really adorable for girls.
Please help me :)

My girls our Alyssa and Analeigh. We happen to like both of them a lot-lol! They both start with A and one even ends with it.
Congrats on the girl-I have 2 of each and I love it that way and wouldn't trade it for anything-way different from the boys those girls are but so much fun to shop for!
whatever you decide, I would just keep it SECRET!! It is way less stressful that way,,,because everyone has an opionion............even when you don't ask for it!!!
girls names are fun. i like alaina. but it's sort of popular. alydia is also so pretty. hmmm. amanda is a good name too. :0) seriously. i will think about this and let you know if i come up with one. pray and pray some more about it. and God will place the perfect name for her on your heart.
ainsley is one of my favorite as is simone
I don't have kids yet but to use all the names I would like I would have to have like 15 kids :)
Of course I'm fond of Addison (hehe) and we always thought we'd name a daughter Ava, but it sounded too "a" sounding with our last name ending in "a" too.
Here are a few names of girls in my dance classes: Alana, Alaina, Ella (full name- Elizabeth), Averil, Aliana (a-lee-ana), Abigail, Adeliene, Avaliene, Adele (old coworker).
Wow, this one's a toughie! You know I can totally relate! I scoured the 'net and searched high and low until I found Livvie's name!
I don't really have a ton of suggestions for you because I know baby naming is such a personal thing. In spite of that...here are a couple of other A names I liked...Ashlyn, Aubrey, Amberly.
Hope you find a name you LOVE! I know it will come to you guys!!!
hahaha I LOVE picking out baby names! I think it's so much fun!! I went to babynames.com and made my lists from there. You can search by letter so you search for the letters A and L and see if you like any in there. And I think I emailed you some names too a while back.
Here's a couple sites with the L and A names
Oh, I like Adelle! I absolutely LOVE Abigail, or Jillian. Grace, Claire...so much fun!
It is way less stressful that way,,,because everyone has an opionion............even when you don't ask for it!!!
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There was the sweetest little girl at the baby shower I went to this past weekend, her name was Lydia. Which I think fits your criteria! Jax and Lydia :) I'm sure which ever name you choose will be perfect! :)
Here's a couple...
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