Total weight gain/loss: According to my scale at home (which is always different than the clinic's), I have gained 6 lbs. I thought that seemed like a bit much, but I looked back to my records with Jackson and I had gained 8 lbs. by 20 weeks. I think I'm entering the biggest increase of weight this next month (with Jackson I gained a total of 14 lbs. by 24 weeks, so that was 6 lbs. in 1 month alone) :P
Maternity clothes? Depends on the day. I wear alot of sweats and gouchos at home. But when I go out, I wear nicer maternity clothes. I am proud that I actually fit into a pair of non maternity capri jeans today :)
Stretch marks? Nothing new at this point. I have a few nice ones from my pregnancy on my sides. Nothing over the belly however.
Best moment this week? STILL TO COME! Tomorrow (thursday the 6th) is my 20 week ultrasound!! You can bet Holly and I will be sharing stories LOL
Movement: Began feeling movement at 19 weeks (not as early as I thought I would). It's more tumbling around than anything. I haven't had alot of kicking at this point, but have felt a few :)
Food cravings: This one hit me harder than the first pregnancy! I have the biggest sweet tooth, it's killing me! candy, candy candy!!
Gender: Well, the blog Poll shows the GIRLS are in a slammin lead with 10 to 3 votes :) What do I feel? I suppose I would be surprised if it isn't a girl.... but at the same time I would be really surprised if it is a girl. Does that make any sense?
Labor Signs: Goodness NO!
Belly Button in or out? Still a good inny - but sometimes (like after a good full meal), half of it will be poking out
What I miss: Nothing - at this point I am feeling great. Haven't felt sick in a few weeks and physically I am still able to do everything I was before.
What I am looking forward to: To hear that everything is going well with the pregnancy. That baby is growing as it should be and he/she is healthy :) and of course - it find out the gender
Come back for a follow tomorrow after my ultrasound!!
Please keep a friend of mine in your thoughts and prayers. Shortly after she told her husband they were expecting their second child, they lost their baby. I know she would appreciate being lifted up in prayer. Thank you.

Sounds like you are doing great. I will be watching for tomorrow's post.
So sorry about your friend and there loss. I will be praying for them so much.
Take care
Girl, I can't believe you haven't found out yet!! We saw the "girl parts" with both of our babies at 16 weeks! I don't know how you have been able to stand the wait!! Can't wait to hear!
Sounds like a great pregnancy so far! Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!!
So excited that you get to find out the big news tomorrow! I will for sure be back to check it out!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I will say a prayer for her right now!
Sending your friend a prayer.
I'm so excited for our US tomorrow! And there will totally be an update!!
Oh my gosh, I love candy! I have some starbursts in our snack drawer.
yay for 20 weeks!! and yay for the u/s tomorrow! i craved sweets the most with my girls!! sweets are yummy. :0)
praying for your friend. i know the pain all too well.
Praying that all goes well with your ultrasound tomorrow...
You look beautiful...
Continued blessings,
I love you April!!!
I don't know how you have been able to stand the wait!! Can't wait to hear!
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