Thursday, July 22, 2010

31 week update

I have been out of town since Sunday morning, so I apologize if I haven't made it around to your blogs lately - but I plan to spend some time doing that tonight and tomorrow. Here's a little update:

How Far: 31 weeks 5 days, still measuring 1 week ahead

Weight Gain: As of my appt. last week Friday, I have gained 17 lbs. When I was pregnant with Jackson, I gained a total of 23 lbs. Ideally, I would like to stay within that range this time too. After deliverying him, I had lost 17 lbs. the first week and the remaining 6 lbs within the following 3 weeks. I then lost an additional 15 lbs over the next 6 months (thanks to breastfeeding) Gotta love burnin 500 calories a day just for nursing your baby! I don't anticipate having that same luck after having Jaelyn, but I won't lie - it would be nice ;)

Labor Signs: Like I have posted before, I have been having frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. As many as 6-8+ a day. The tighting isn't painful, but for some reason they are much more uncomfortable than I remember before. It must have to do with the way she is positioned. My tail bone still is causing the same pain everytime I sit and stand. I think I am just stubborn with myself by not seeing a PT about it. I just hope that it doesn't cause "pushing" issues when it comes to the way I have to position myself. And I really hope they go away AFTER delivering. I remember needing to sit alittle more on my tailbone after having Jax because of my extensive reconstructive work down there - so sitting directly on the perinieum was unthinkable. So if history repeats itself, I will be in trouble because this time I can't sit back on the tailbone either - I have no other options for sitting.... I sat on that doughnut ring for 3 weeks after delivering last time. Not Fun!!

I have also been feeling alot more stretching in my pelvis already. That pulling "sensation" comes on suddenly and only lasts for a few moment, but it's quite intense at times. At 30 weeks Jaelyn is already head down, let's hope she stays there!

The home office/spare room is almost all cleared out. We will be able to start on the nursery real soon. The crib and dresser/changing table unit were delivered last week and are now waiting to be assembled. I hope to have the room painted this weekend. Once that is done - the rest will come together nicely. Clearing out the closet of all of Paul's electronic devices, cabling, computer parts will be the time consuming part.



Kelly said...

You look gorgeous!! Where do you get all your cute dresses? Love the precious picture!

Burtons Blessings said...

LOVE that precious picture! You look great and I love that dress!

Holly said...

I love the pic you posted. How sweet!! You are looking great April!! I really need to call you and catch up but as you prolly know yourself sometimes it's so hard to find the time to do it all. I feel constantly busy lately! I think things may settle down a bit once Hannah goes back home.

Hopefully you'll lose the weight again quickly like you did last time. I think I'll be the same as my other 2 girls as far as weight recovery and I'll prolly lose weight BFing too. I lost 10 lbs BFing Kyndra.

Sorry your tailbone is so uncomfy! :( I hope she Jaelyn decides to switch positions and make things better for you!

Scott and Kimberly said...

Ohh April, you are absoloutely glowing!!! You must be getting so excited about your new addition. Cant belive how creative you are with all the clothes and are amazing!!!! Miss u and thinking of you especially in the next few months Kimmy kilpin xox

Melinda said...

You look great! And what a sweet picture! You're in the home stretch now!!!

Leslee said...

What a darling photo! And look at you... so gorgeously pregers!!!

Everything sounds like it is moving along well. Look forward to more updates with the nursery building!

P.S. Glad you found the 'trojan' virus!! Geez, some people have nothing better to do???

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

What a gorgeous picture of you and your sweet babes!

Love to you...

amanda said...

i absolutely LOVE that picture. and i absolutely reccommend seeing a chiropractor. she's helped me so much after delivery. my tailbone is still a bit sore from having evaleigh come out face down. the chiro has helped tremendously with the pain. let me know if you want the info. :)