Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Kayleigh girl

My heart broke the day I read Adam's blog to learn that Kayleigh had passed on. But seeing the overflow of photographs that he posted in loving memory made me smile.

Happy Birthday, Kayleigh!

Below was the post that Adam published on his blog last year when Kayleigh died.

5/11/09 - Goodbye Sweetheart...for now.

Time is going so slow as if people are flying by us, but our world is standing still. The pain in our hearts burn and the tears flow freely like a never ending waterfall. Our eyes try to close as our bodies are fatigued, but our minds are racing with the thoughts of the memories we shared with Kayleigh through these past 11 months. Our souls are screaming with pain as this story was supposed to have a different, dream come true ending. We hold each other close, squeezing tightly, praying this sense of emptiness will fade away.

We never thought we'd finally leave the hospital one last time with an empty car seat and an empty crib to bring our precious daughter home in. The house is cold, it is dark and it is lonely. Our arms that once held this precious miracle will never hold her again anytime soon. We will lay our heads to rest tonight, we will soon wake, but we won't be returning to the hospital. We said our last goodbye only to say hello again one day in the distant future.

Kayleigh rests peacefully, in no more discomfort, and in no more pain. She looked so beautiful tonight as she took her last and final breath, and her beating heart took one last and final beat. Her sparkling brown eyes are now closed and her body now remains still. She is now in the presence of our Lord, her broken body made new, surrounded in the comforting arms of those we've loved who greeted her in the glorious Heaven we know.

Time now stands still for all of us who will miss her dearly, who have been touched by her miraculous journey, and who will never forget her soft sweet smell. Kayleigh will forever be our one pound miracle from God and we certainly will all look forward to seeing her again, holding her in our arms and dancing in circles until we can't dance anymore. No words can describe how amazing and beautiful Kayleigh is, but we all know too well that this is only goodbye, for now.

May this day be remembered for the rest of our lives. May Kayleigh's story continue to teach us about faith and the miracles our Lord can create when we all pray together as a whole. May Kayleigh's story continue to give us hope in our own personal journeys and give us the strength to never give up the fight. May Kayleigh's story continue to fill our hearts with love so that we may hold each other tight and support those in need.

When you tuck your children in bed or kiss your loved one goodnight, please say a prayer for our family. Please pray that we will have strength to get through this difficult time and we will grow in our faith so much more for having experienced the work of God through Kayleigh. Pray we will be there for each other and hold one another tight, as Kayleigh was and will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

We plan to have a memorial next weekend (most likely Sunday) for our sweet Kayleigh and EVERYONE who can come, is invited. We will be posting further details shortly so everyone has time to prepare. We will cry together, laugh together and remember what a precious blessing God has given us all through Kayleigh. May we come together and praise God for the love he has bestowed in all of us.

"Kayleigh, we know our life on earth is just a spec of time compared to the life we have in eternity with you and our Lord. We look forward to the day that we can pick you up and swing you around, dancing, singing and worshipping together. I am sure that your journey to Heaven was greeted with many open arms.

We are so very proud of you for everything you have done in such a short period of time. You've showed us what strength truly is, what determination truly is and what love truly is. There will not be a day that passes that we won't look at your photos and remember how awesome you felt in our arms. Your soft skin that brushes our lips and your tiny little hands that grip our fingers for comfort will always be missed.

We will never get to tuck you in your own bed at night and we will never get to pick you up when you fall. We will never get to hold your hand while you cross the street and I will never get to walk you down the aisle, but please know that your Mommy and I are so blessed that God gifted us with your love, even if it was only for a very short period of time. You will always be in our hearts and we can't wait until we meet again. We love you endlessly and we already miss you so very much! Goodbye Sweetheart...for now."

Mommy and Daddy

Our wishes were granted and Kayleigh finally felt the cool breeze on her face.

Please visit Kayleigh's blog to
read her father's birthday post today.


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