But now HER mother must begin writing her own novel. The doctors had suspected a cancerous mass on her left lung a few weeks back. Grandma had several tests that confirmed she would need the infected lobe of her lung removed. That operation proceeded Monday. But we were more than surprised when the surgeon came to tell us - she has Stage 3A Lung Cancer... a FAR more advanced form of the cancer than we were initially led to believe.
And so it starts again...
Only this time, Grandma has been experiencing serious complications from her operation. Not only have her fatal organs failed to "wake up" from the anesthia, but she has also contracted pnuemonia. We are not yet aware if the infection is bacterial or staph. She has had a main port put in today while she was incubated due to several failed attempts to raise her blood oxygen levels. The doctors are working to concoct the appropriate medication combination for her, but in the meantime - she has been hallucinating and physically fidgety... a miserable state.
Please give a moment or two to ask God to bring peace to this family. Peace in any and every sense of the word. My grandmother is very uncomfortable and quite confused - and my mom maybe faced again with witnessing her parent struggle to live, only two short year from her father's passing. I don't believe I myself, have really begun to process what this could mean and how serious this may become.
I am not going to question why. I know very well that the Lord has his reasons for his plans. We have truly seen that materialize for my mother since her battle, we are grateful for his reasons.
But since December 2009,
My Mother
My Aunt
My Grandma
all have been faced with the fight of cancer.
What is so hard to swallow - is our complete inablity to understand why. But what I can accept, is that we just aren't meant to understand now.
But someday we will.

Oh dear... ((HUG))
April I am SO sorry to hear about this latest chapter in the beautiful women in your life's book!!
I cannot fully understand your pain, questions and anger. I can tell you that I lost my Mom 5 years ago to cancer and wonder everyday why we can't find a cure. We can put men on the moon..
Anyway, enough of that. Try to stay strong and continue to pray. It is the one thing that we can do to make ourselves feel better and pray DOES work!!
Oh April... I will be praying. Always...
I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I can't imagine what you all must be going through. I will be praying for you guys!
So sorry to hear this and I'm praying so hard.
Oh April...my heart is breaking as I read your words. I can hear your pain and your heartache in your words. I'm so, so sorry. I will be praying for your grandma and you and your mom. You're right...we are probably not meant to understand but someday we will. When my grandfather was sick and fighting for his life, I held onto the promise that He knew and He was not surprised by it. And I knew, that no matter what happened, He would hold me and carry me through. And He has...and He continues to...and he will carry you too.
Oh April, I am so sorry you are walking this path again. I know how hard it is to watch someone you love so much hurt that way. It is unspeakably difficult. I know that you are trusting the Lord...and He will carry all of you. And, I also know that doesn't take away all the hurt. Praying for your grandmother...and for your family as you walk this path.
Love to you,
praying for you and your family. We are going through cancer with my grandma right now. the first breast cancer ever in our family that we know of. she just had a full mastectomy but we do not know her treatment yet bc they did find cancer in her lymph nodes. Hugs to you and you are right, we don't know why but we do serve a good God that we can trust even when we don't understand. Isaiah 43:1-3
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